Desarraigos — Exhibition in El Salvador

In partnership with Open Society Foundations, the Museo Tecleño and the Universidad Centroamericana, images from Destiny’s Children are currently on display as a part of Donna DeCesare’s photographic exhibition, “Desarraigos: Moments, Histories and Reflections,” in the Museo Tecleño in Santa Tecla, El Salvador.

The exhibition brings viewers into realities Central American youth face at home and in the Diaspora. The combination of still photography from the 1980s to the present, and life stories from the website installation Destiny’s Children provoke a reflection about the past and the present and the ways that young people are represented as a consequence of the ongoing process of uprooting.

The exhibition will remain on view at the Museo Tecleño from June 3 to July 17, 2011. The Museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 9am to 5pm.

Exhibition Opening:

Date: 3 June, 2011
Place: Museo Tecleño, 7a Avenida Sur No 1-4, Santa Tecla El Salvador
Time: 6:00 PM


Greeting: Mónica Morán, Cultural Attache
Comments: Daniel Rivas, Co-director of the School of Journalism, Central American University Jose Simeon Cañas (UCA)
Carlos Henríquez Consalvi, Curator Museum of the Word and Image, San Salvador, El Salvador
Donna De Cesare, Professor of Journalism University of Texas at Austin
Closing Remarks: Oscar Ortiz, Mayor of Santa Tecla

The exhibition Desarraigos: Moments, Histories and Reflections and the theatrical work De Novo: Beyond borders, by the New York theatrical company Houses on the Moon, are part of an artistic project combining photography, theatre and workshops for youth and university students. The project, conceived by professor Donna DeCesare of the University of Texas at Austin, has been realized with the collaboration of the Department of Communications and Culture at the Central American University Jose Simeon Cañas (UCA), and with support from the Museo Tecleño, the Palacio Tecleño and the sponsorship of Open Society Foundations.

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