Destiny's Children: A Legacy of War and Gangs

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Los componentes interactivos de Hijos del Destino requieren el plugin Adobe Flash.

Por favor, visite la página Sobre Hijos del Destino para obtener más información, y para examinar los otros recursos disponibles en este sitio.

Carlos’s Story, Part 3

CARLOS: I have truly found myself. So many things limited me before. Now I can be free.

Carlos began studying art at Guatemala’s National School of Fine Art.

CARLOS: I enjoy making art — to represent everything that surrounds me, to be a precursor for the world that is my world.

CARLOS: I always remember what my mother said when my family gathered in the fields. “Never think about the time it is going to take you to work this field…”

CARLOS: “…Instead begin and look your work in the face, start with force, and you’ll see. After putting in a lot of time…”

CARLOS: “You will see the good results of your hard work.”

CARLOS: This was true. You’d arrive and you wouldn’t want to even see the work facing you because you knew it was going to cost a lot. Then you would begin to work—bit, by bit, by bit.

CARLOS: Afterward, looking at your work feels good, so good.

CARLOS: My paintings — the art I make — is related to street life. But even more there’s a relationship to pain, because I’m used to looking at tough things.

CARLOS: I wish I could show everyone who thought badly of me or felt I was worthless, what I do now. I can be useful to society.

CARLOS: I would like to work in art projects for street youth. This has always been a desire. If I can make beautiful works of art, so can other people.