Guerillas, Caqueta, Colombia

Many of the combatants in the insurgent ranks of the FARC (Armed Revolutionary Forces of Colombia) are teenagers and children. Many have joined the rebels to escape a childhood of poverty, exploitation and or abuse at home.  Copyright © Donna DeCesare, 2001Muchos de los combatientes en las filas insurgentes de las FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) son adolescentes y niños. Muchos se han unido a los rebeldes para escapar de una niñez de pobreza, explotación y/o abuso en casa.  © Donna DeCesare, 2001

Many of the combatants in the insurgent ranks of the FARC (Armed Revolutionary Forces of Colombia) are teenagers and children. Many have joined the rebels to escape a childhood of poverty, exploitation and or abuse at home. Copyright © Donna DeCesare, 2001

In the ranks of the FARC (Armed Revolutionary Forces of Colombia) Colombia’s largest guerrilla insurgency, many of the combatants are teenagers and children. Often they have joined the rebels because parents or family have been massacred by right wing paramilitaries or to escape a childhood of poverty, exploitation and or abuse at home.