When Edgar was a baby his father left the family to join the guerrilla rebel forces fighting the Salvadoran army. When the army began threatening his mother, she left also. First Ana went to San Salvador and then to the United States leaving her four sons with her parents.
For five years Edgar lived with his grandma and grandpa while his mother saved the money to bring him and her other sons to Los Angeles. A few years later fearing Edgar would join a gang, she sent him back to El Salvador to live with her parents again.
The house where Edgar spent his childhood.
A year after sending Edgar back to El Salvador, Ana comes to visit. The trip is risky. Although she had temporary papers to stay in the US, leaving to visit to her son in El Salvador is illegal. She tries not to think about having to sneak back over the US/Mexico border to get home to Los Angeles.
Edgar’s grandma puts wood on the fire to cook tortillas.
In a few short days Edgar’s mom is saying her goodbyes. Everyone misses Ana. Before long her visit seems a distant memory.