The Regional Youth Alliance is a new regional gang harm reduction program working in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. Supported by US AID and SICA–the System for Central American Integration—the Washington DC based non-profit Creative Associates will implement programs to rehabilitate and reintegrate ex-gang members into society and prevent the participation of youth in gangs. Building community-based public-private alliances to leverage in-kind and financial support for crime and violence prevention activities, Alianza Joven’s focus is on job training opportunities for former gang members, alternative arts and educational spaces for at risk youth in affected barrios, and juvenile justice reforms in sentencing as well as reinsertion programs for youth in juvenile detention centers.
- Be informed: Creative Associates International
- Be involved: Regional Youth Alliance Homepage
- Video: “Just give me a chance,” documentary by Creative Associates
Salvador Stadhagen Director Creative Associates El Salvador.
Avenida Almendro No 20~A
Colonia Maquilishuat, San Salvador
El Salvador Centro America
Tel 2264-1408, 2264-1460