Protest on the anniversary of the Jesuit murders

On the anniversary of the Jesuit murders people gather at the Salvadoran consulate to protest US policy in El Salvador and to remember the victims --priests, nuns and tens of thousands of Salvadoran civilians-- brutally murdered for defending the poor during the cold war. Copyright © Donna DeCesare, 1990En el aniversario del asesinato de Jesuitas, las personas de juntaros con el consulado salvadoreño para protestar la política de EE.UU. en El Salvador y para recordar a las víctimas—sacerdotes, monjas, cientos de miles de salvadoreños civiles—brutalmente asesinados por defender a los pobres durante la guerra fría.  © Donna DeCesare, 1990

On the anniversary of the Jesuit murders people gather at the Salvadoran consulate to protest US policy in El Salvador and to remember the victims –priests, nuns and tens of thousands of Salvadoran civilians– brutally murdered for defending the poor during the cold war. Copyright © Donna DeCesare, 1990